Small paint canvas ideas
Small paint canvas ideas

Oil online paintings are renowned for their ability to capture detail, color, and texture in ways that other mediums cannot match. Let’s explore how these home decoration items can bring a little bit of nature into your home. But have you ever thought of exploring nature through oil paintings? A form of art that has been around since the 16th century, oil painting remains one of the most beloved and versatile mediums for capturing the beauty and majesty of the natural world. She writes about about creativity, nature, intentional education, and mindful family life at all have our own ways of connecting to nature, whether it be hiking through a nearby national park or taking a leisurely stroll through the woods.


Check out her new FREE ecourse The Art Habit for Moms. Her passion is to help creative moms make time for their art. Hannah Stevenson is an artist and mom to four.

small paint canvas ideas

Just make it small and see what happens for you! You could use anything from oils to pastels to charcoal to collage work. I was amazed at what I could do in just a few minutes a day. Just a sketch a day instead of a painting. I tried it out in my sketchbook with great success. It’s important to note that this concept really translates to any medium.

small paint canvas ideas

I have found that I learn so much from these little paintings and have gained more confidence in my skills as I’ve started to improve more quickly. I can then take what I’ve learned from my small painting and implement it on something else. when I’m working on a small canvas as I do working on a larger one. I learn just as much about composition, color, value, etc. I think the thing that trips me up the most when it comes to painting (or any medium, really) is that I’ll waste not only my time but hard-earned cash on something that doesn’t “turn out.” With the painting small concept, those fears all but disappear! Because I’m using a small canvas (that I can usually find for close to a dollar) and very little paint, I can enjoy the process and know that even if it doesn’t turn out to be my best work, I am not out much time or money. I do know I was no longer making excuses not to paint.” My fear of failing disappeared - well, almost. I had only invested a part of a day’s worth of work on it, after all. If one subject or one style didn’t work out, well, I didn’t sweat it.

small paint canvas ideas

No longer did I feel overwhelmed by the large number of things I wanted to paint – I could do them all. Every day I got to start on an entirely new project. Because I’m only investing an hour or so and very few materials, I feel more free to experiment with styles or techniques that I’ve always wanted to try.Ĭarol Marine the author of the book Daily Painting says, “Painting small and often gave me the freedom to experiment. I don’t have to tell you how good it feels to actually accomplish something (like a whole painting!) in about an hour.Īnother reason this idea works for me is that I like to try different kinds of styles. Because of the small size, I can usually make something I’m happy with, in a little over an hour. But just because this stage of life is busy, doesn’t mean I want to get out of the practice of making art! That’s where the small canvas comes in. Motherhood and life, in general, has a way of filling up fast. I don’t know about you but I don’t have hours a day (or even a week!) to dedicate to my art practice. And, while I don’t get to paint every day, this mini-canvas concept has changed the way I do art. So, about a year ago, I went to my local Michael’s, picked up a stack of 4×4 – 6×6 canvases and tried it out. When I say small, I mean anywhere from 2×2 to 6×6 inches small. The part that caught my attention was the idea of using a small canvas to get a whole painting done in less time. I am always looking for practical ways to get creativity into my life so when I discovered this idea years ago, I was intrigued.

small paint canvas ideas

What started with one man has turned into thousands of artists striving to do one small painting a day – mostly every day. Have you heard of the Painting a Day movement? It started back in 2004 when Duan Keiser set out to share his work on the internet. Do you want to add more creativity to your day? Have you ever considered painting a mini canvas? Here’s how these small paintings are changing my life!

Small paint canvas ideas