Rms sharing application supported operating systems
Rms sharing application supported operating systems


To give you an impression: To monitor 5,000 sensors with a 1-minute scanning interval, PRTG takes 7.2 million measurements and evaluates, notifies, and stores them. Note that sensors with more than 50 channels are not officially supported and can have a high impact on system performance.įor a single PRTG core server setup without a cluster, we recommend that you mainly use 1-minute scanning intervals for up to 2,000 sensors and 5-minute intervals if you have more sensors. We recommend that you use sensors with less than 50 channels. You can overcome these limitations if you distribute the sensors between remote probes.įor clusters, we recommend that you stay below 2,500 sensors per cluster. There are also limitations for some sensors that do not depend on hardware resources, for example, WMI and SNMP v3 sensors. or Syslog Receiver or SNMP Trap Receiver sensors, for example. Ping and SNMP sensors create much less load than complex sensors like xFlow sensors, VMware sensors, Sensor Factory sensors, WMI sensors.


In this case, react immediately and free up system resources. You receive warning messages if the available disk space falls below 1 GB or if the available memory falls below 500 MB, and emergency messages if the available disk space or memory fall below 50 MB. If the server runs out of resources, PRTG sends warning and emergency messages to the primary email address of the PRTG System Administrator user. Your network size can also influence the performance of your monitoring.įor a PRTG core server to work properly, it is crucial to have a certain amount of hardware resources available. Hardware requirements for the PRTG core server service mainly depend on the sensors and scanning intervals that you use. Hardware and Network Size Requirements for the PRTG Core Server PRTG Hosted Monitor is restricted to a maximum of 10,000 sensors. NET framework.įor more information, see the Knowledge Base: Why should I disable the FIPS mode under Windows? FIPS-compliant encryption can cause issues with sensors that use the.


Make sure that the Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) mode (Windows security option "System Cryptography: Use FIPS-compliant algorithms for encryption, hashing, and signing.") is disabled on Windows systems that run the PRTG core server service or PRTG probe service. Many other sensors also need an installed Microsoft. NET framework is imperative if you want to monitor VMware and XenServer virtual environments. įor more information, see the Knowledge Base: Which. For new installations of the PRTG core server or remote probes, we recommend. NET 4.7.2 or later must be installed on the PRTG core server system or the remote probe system. Otherwise, the 32-bit version of the PRTG core server is installed. the operating system is a 64-bit Windows system, and.The 64-bit version of the PRTG core server is installed if The version (32-bit or 64-bit) of the PRTG core server depends on the version of your operating system. * Windows servers in Core mode or Minimal Server Interface are not officially supported. The 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the following operating systems are officially supported for the PRTG core server service and PRTG probe service: Supported Operating Systems for the PRTG Core Server and Remote Probes PRTG Hosted Monitor does not require any hardware for the PRTG core server, but it needs at least one remote probe installation to monitor your local network. Requirements for Smartphones and Tablets.

rms sharing application supported operating systems

Performance Impact Considerations Based on Sensor Types.General Performance Impact Considerations.Hardware and Network Size Requirements for Remote Probes.Hardware and Network Size Requirements for the PRTG Core Server.

rms sharing application supported operating systems

Supported Operating Systems for the PRTG Core Server and Remote Probes.Meet these requirements to avoid issues while you monitor your network.

rms sharing application supported operating systems

There are different aspects that you need to consider regarding the system requirements for PRTG. To get a comprehensive overview about basic and detailed system requirements, use section System Requirements. This section was moved and is no longer up to date.

Rms sharing application supported operating systems