Betrayal at krondor owyn
Betrayal at krondor owyn

betrayal at krondor owyn

Just past the fork you will run into a trap.When you reach the fork, continue south to take the quickest and safest route back to Krondor. If you click on him before the battle starts, you may get the initiative in the battle. When you leave LaMut and continue south you will attacked by another assassin.This is a subquest and the walkthrough for it is below. If you go to the barracks, you will be told about a stolen ruby. You can buy and/or sell some equipment in the shop and sleep at the inn. Continue south and enter the town of LaMut.Owyn will converse with him for a little while and then you will be able to ask him some questions about the area. Continue south and Squire Philip will approach.Inside you will find a sword and some armor. Turn the dials so that they read DIE and the box will open. Gorath will translate the inscription and you will have to answer a riddle to open the box. Beside the path you will see a moredhel box. For this walkthrough, I will describe the shortest and easiest way. There are many ways that you can take to get to Krondor.Locklear will remove Gorath's chains and they will force Owyn to come with them so that he doesn't talk. After you take a few steps, a dialog will start.Click on the assassin's body and take his rations and picklocks.Gorath dispatches the assassin and the adventure begins. Gorath suddenly shouts as a assassin jumps into the camp. When the story begins, Owyn, from Tiburn, is tending Seigneur Locklear's wounds.Walkthrough Main Quest Chapter 1 - Into a Dark Night

Betrayal at krondor owyn